Chapter Three
Available on Cassette at our upcoming events
Cover photo taken at the Old Cal Meetinghouse Church located along route 340 near Coatsville, PA. This church dates back to 1726. It is in the National Registry of Historical Churches. The other photo in the recording studio.
Sunnyside is privileged to record again another project, which includes some of our most requested songs. We hope these songs will be an inspiration to al of those who listen. Chapter One was recorded in the 80’s. Chapter Two was recorded ni the 90’s. We are calling this project Chapter Three as it is starting another decade of telling the “Good News” of the gospel of Christ with our style of gospel bluegrass.
Please enjoy! Come and see us at our concerts as we endeavor to lift up out Lord with gospel bluegrass.
Thanks, Ken
(John 12:32)
“Old Oklahoma” was recorded as arequest of our good friend Pastor Streeter Stuart from Lansdale, PA. His father Streeter S. Stuart wrote the song in 1953. It has been sung at family gatherings and performed on the radio in the 50s’ by famed singer/yodeler Elton Britt. We liked the song and decided to ask permission to keep the recording ni the project.
KenCox – Guitar and Mandolin
Ray Horst – Mandolin and Guitar
Randi Rineer – Fiddle
Andy Purdy – Banjo
Dean Nafziger – Bas Fiddle
Ken Cox – Lead
Ray Horst – Tenor and Lead
Randi Rineer – Lead
Andy Purdy – Bass
Dean Nafziger – Baritone
Photo’s taken by Elton Horst and Le Condran
Recorded at Condran Sound Creations, Annville, PA 17003
Engineer: Ced Winters